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wanted a planetary brain.
So she grew mankind
as her cerebral cortex
and enlightend in it a
global consciousness - US:
G A I A´ S  S P I R I T !
WE think, feel and act
for the whole planet !
WE´re here to guard and
grow natural paradises and
to create cultural heavens !
WE´re awakening now to
claim OUR PLANET !

B A S E   C O N F E S S I O N :

We humans encarnate on Earth as an
evolutionary species on the way from
animal to god, from local tribe to global
society and from earthlings to starborns.
We´re transformers and innovators, seeking
enligtenment and omnipotent creativity.
We´re meant to unfold our personal potentials
and drive mankinds evolution upwards. We´re
the youngest children of GAIA - creatures of the
holy union of heaven and hell, sky and earth.
We´re carried, nourished and inspired by our
homeplanet, enlightened and blessed by the sun
and guided by the stars all around. We´re called
to organize ourselves collectively as Earth´s
cerebral cortex and awaken to planetary
intelligence on our further way to cosmic
consciousness. So let´s empower and
embrace, celebrate and create us humans
as the evergrowing crown of terrestrial
evolution. Let´s dedicate ourselves to
guard and grow natural paradises and
create cultural heavens, to protect the
Earth from outside harm and support
her inner thriving and ascending. In
this earthly sense let´s evocate and
encarnate, embody and enlighten
GAIA´S SPIRIT. Free for everybody
to join in. Without dogma or priesthood
and fully aware, that our goddess GAIA
is originally a human idea about hailing
and healing our living superorganism
Earth. This is cosmopolitan spirituality
for the 3. millenium: Free will based,
creatively selforganized and in
ongoing evolution, just waiting
for YOUR loving cocreation ...

F O U N D E R :

(Artist´s pseudonym)
At carnival of the revolutionary
year 1967 thrown from a ship of
fools onto the Rhine´s river bank
to instigate human evolution leaps
in the civilized circus of drilled apes,
I had landed in as a game changing joker.

Seriously studied archeologist & ecologist,
practizing futurologist & ecosystem designer,
evolutionary philosopher & neoshaman,
Scientist, artist & mystic in one.

Advocate of the living Earth.

Berlin - Canary Islands - Earthwide

G A I A ´ S   S P I R I T
is a project of my game changing
  THINK TANK for alternative futurology:

Excerpts from my literary work
as German poet & philosopher
in English language:
www.freigeistvonlebenskunst.de (click)

My neoshamanic confession (click)

To avoid misunderstandings:
I am NO GURU and ain´t
looking for disciples !

I just collect and develop
psychological and physiological,
sociological and ecological techniques
for personal and collective evolution and
offer them to the public for free use and
further development (copyleft). As a free
willing tool of living creation I can only
guide spiritual seekers to empower
themselves, I can only inspire them
to awake their own collective
consciousness, I can only
give the practical advice:
"YOU shall be YOUR
healer & liberator,
recognizer & lover,
master & creator ! ! !"
O F F E R S :

into evolutionary spirituality
Seminars, webinars, rituals
and other upcoming

EVENTS (click)

Earth hailing and healing
PRAYERS (click)

around the evolutionary philosophy

to overcome a personal or collective crisis

Current project for participators:

GAIA´S TEMPLE in foundation
La Gomera - Canarian Islands

We seek donators & supporters
to found a spiritual & ecological
center for desert regreening
& Earth healing on the
magical island

More infos (please click here)

Spanish version (please click here)

My YouTube-channel "GAIA´S SPIRIT"
with interesting videos around
Earthing, Earth healing and
Earth hailing

C O N T A C T :


E-mail: info@gaiasspirit.earth

or send me a message directly to my inbox (click)

 by telephone or video conference
please demand your connection data
by E-mail

.    I also speak German & Spanish   .

My main work is of public interest
and based on donations ... so if
you like to support me, please
feel heartly welcome to