magical Canarian Island La Gomera
by ecosystem designer, neoshaman
& evolutionary philosopher Freigeist von Lebenskunst
from autum equinox till spring equinox The
Dragontree as national symbol
of the Canarian Islands has symbolic character
for the awakening of ecological consciousness
in the local population and in the tourists, who
are visiting the island from all over the world.
Once the Dragontree grew whole forests on
La Gomera - until the Spanish conquistadores
cut them down. So the reforestation of the
socalled "DRAGONAL" (Dragontree forest)
is as well a very practical, physical contri-
bution for the reversal of past ecological
sins as it is a metaphysical endeavour
to reintegrate nowadays highly
nature alienated civilization
anew into living nature.
The ritual will take place in the dry
south of the island, where the whole
landscape was vastly deforested for
intense agriculture. The destruction
of the natural vegetation led in the long
run to droughts and ongoing desertification.
To reverse this process I started a reforestation
program together with the local ecological
network "REVERDECEMOS", of which the
Dragontree ritual is integrated part of.
A part of the generated money goes
to local landowners, on whose land
the Dragontrees are planted. Another
part goes to other ecological
projects on the island.
An important aim is
to integrate the local
population and tourists
actively and engaged in the
reforestation of the island.
The ritual
will last
aproximately 1 hour.
The planting site will be
readily prepared, so that the
young tree just need to be put
in the ground and covered with earth.
After the ritual I will secure the planting
site against predatory animals like wild goats
and water the tree every few month during
the first 2 years. Afterwards it will be able
to care for itself. The tree will be marked
with a sign with the name of the planter
and the planting date. Once a year I
will take a picture and send it per
e-mail to the planter. Who wants,
can visit their tree personally
when ever they want.
The ritual itself will
be guided by me and
consists in an entertaining
introduction into the islands
ecology, history and nowadays
nature spirituality, then follows the
tree planting itself with different
evocations in which we wish a
successfull growth for the tree,
a successfull regrowth of the
Dragontree forest, the ecological
recovery of the island, the general
thriving of the Earth´s living
biosphere and mankinds
awakening to ecological
consciousness. At last
we will thank La Gomera
for our magical time here.
The young
Dragontree will be
at least one year old and fit
enough to adapt to the dry
environmental conditions.
A Dragontree forest in Yemen
to get an idea how the upgrowing
Canarian "DRAGONAL" on
La Gomera will look like
in it´s adult form.
For just 50.-€
you can celebrate
your very personal
dragontree ritual. Guided
by me at your favourate date. If you are more
than 1 person, please
ask for a bulk discount for couples,
families or small groups. The
more people you are,
the smaller the
price per tree
and person. DEMAND YOUR
by using the following booking button,
select "Dragontree Ritual", choose your date,
leave your contact and simply click on BOOKING
... and I will contact you then to confirm your date:
To stay informed about more
upcoming Earth healing events
by GAIA´S SPIRIT on La Gomera
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Ritual guide: Freigeist von Lebenskunst EARTH